
How Far Is Huntsville Al To Atlanta Ga

Duration 1h 33m
Altitude 293.four km
Average price Rp900000
Frequency ii/week

Trip overview


  1. Huntsville
  2. Birmingham, AL
  3. Atlanta

Oftentimes asked questions

Want to know nearly travelling from Huntsville to Atlanta? We have put together a list of the virtually frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest way of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much practice tickets unremarkably cost? and many more.

At that place is widespread customs transmission globally.
Some travel restrictions may still be in place inside Usa. For the latest travel condition, please cheque the official page for United States.

Larn More.

No, at that place is no directly bus from Huntsville to Atlanta station. Yet, in that location are services departing from Huntsville and arriving at Atlanta, GA - W Peachtree St @ Borough Center MARTA Station via Birmingham, AL. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 5h 15m.

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The altitude between Huntsville and Atlanta is 230 km. The road distance is 293.iv km.

Go driving directions

Huntsville to Atlanta coach services, operated past Greyhound U.s.a., depart from Huntsville station.

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Huntsville to Atlanta motorcoach services, operated past Megabus, go far at Atlanta, GA - W Peachtree St @ Civic Centre MARTA Station.

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Atlanta is 1h ahead of Huntsville. It is currently 12:43 in Huntsville and thirteen:43 in Atlanta.

There are 1177+ hotels bachelor in Atlanta. Prices start at Rp1405000 per nighttime.

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What companies run services betwixt Huntsville and Atlanta?

You lot tin can take a bus from Huntsville to Atlanta via Birmingham and Birmingham, AL in effectually 5h 15m.

Bus operators

Greyhound USA

Estimated cost

Rp270000 - Rp380000

Greyhound is a leading coach company based in Dallas, Texas, serving over 3800 destinations beyond North America, Mexico and Canada. Greyhound carries around 18 one thousand thousand passengers a year who travel v.4 billion miles (viii.6 billion km) a twelvemonth on their fleet of effectually 1700 vehicles. For travel flexibility, you can board or get off a Greyhound bus at official Greyhound stations, partner stations and curbside stops. There are around 230 Greyhound stations across the The states where you lot can both catch your omnibus and purchase tickets, that are also bachelor on the official website and via the mobile app.

+1 214-849-8100/one-800-231-2222
Ave. Duration
1h 40m
Twice daily
Estimated cost
Rp270000 - Rp380000
Rp270000 - Rp380000
Rp550000 - Rp800000
Ave. Duration
3h 5m
3 times a twenty-four hours
Estimated price
Rp340000 - Rp480000
Rp340000 - Rp480000
Rp650000 - Rp950000


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